Insanity is just a state of mind!
Well you see there's this shortage, and um ah a hurricane, yeah that's it, and another hurricane...
Published on October 27, 2005 By Nadeon In Current Events

Anyone else out there have a problem with this? Come on already!!!! Do they think we're morons?!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 04, 2005

Gee, lets see, mmmmm OK when oil is $100 a barrel (next year) we should feel sorry for these poor souls at the Exxon because they hanged in there last year with a measly $60 a barrel. The government must immediately give whopping tax breaks - Wait - they already did - never mind.

I know this is a radical idea.  But humor me.  When Oil is $100/barrell - how about you stop buying gas?

Shock!  Exxon cannot make any money if you dont buy.

on Nov 05, 2005
Quick quiz:

How much do the oil companies get, on average, per gallon of gasoline sold?

How much does Uncle Sam get, on average, per gallon of gas sold?

I bet you'll be surprised ... or not.
on Nov 05, 2005
Fellow sheep we are screwed by the best government money can buy and Corp media. You think your free in this counrty but thats a pipe dream. Sorry your so brain washed because we could take back this country. VOTE the all the BUMS out everyone both parties - that would send a message like you would never believe.
on Nov 05, 2005
How much do the oil companies get, on average, per gallon of gasoline sold?How much does Uncle Sam get, on average, per gallon of gas sold?I bet you'll be surprised ... or not.

And a link would be?

I bet you'll be surprised ... or not.

Most likely "or not"
on Nov 05, 2005
Most likely "or not"

Yea, I think the Feds get like 27 cents. Oil Company profit is probably (at the height of the price) about 15 cents.
on Nov 06, 2005
Yea, I think the Feds get like 27 cents. Oil Company profit is probably (at the height of the price) about 15 cents.

Pretty close, Dr. Guy

Last figures I found were 0.10 for the Oil companies, 0.46 for the Fed/State.

I don't know about you but I'm feeling a little gouged here and it ain't by the oil companies. :lol
on Nov 07, 2005

Pretty close, Dr. Guy

Last figures I found were 0.10 for the Oil companies, 0.46 for the Fed/State.

I don't know about you but I'm feeling a little gouged here and it ain't by the oil companies. :lol

Damn!  That was a swag.  And on the government side, I put down what I thought was the feds only as the state one vary greatly (I think we pay 19 cents here in Va).

on Nov 07, 2005
Oil companies make 10 cents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must have an IQ of at less 8. There was less gas sold and the Oil companies made more profit. Wait - oil companies before where making 2 cents - never mind.
on Nov 09, 2005
An off we go!!!!!!!


on Nov 27, 2005
From wealth comes power. The sheer amount of power the oil tycoons hold is staggering. Consider the kinds of strings they can pull.

One example...having a senior senator insist they not take a vow of truth before a hearing. Now that's power!

We are all human and are prone to poor judement and error. Now imagine the potential of a mistake backed up by billions of dollars.

Could the US be morphing into a modern day Roman Empire with it's level of courruption and deception?

Could this new empire implode someday from the inside? Time will tell.
on Nov 27, 2005
Could the US be morphing into a modern day Roman Empire with it's level of courruption and deception?

Could this new empire implode someday from the inside? Time will tell.

I think your tin hat is 2 sizes too small. Better get a bigger one.
on Apr 25, 2006
And here we go again!
on Apr 25, 2006
Not to be argumentative and perhaps I should have linked to this article on CNN: Link_oil.reut/index.htm, but Senators from both parties felt that there was enough of an issue here to convene hearings.

I quoted Bill Frist's comments earlier. Frist further said "I have asked them to call as witnesses executives from the major oil companies and representatives of the state attorneys general, who have the initial responsibility of keeping the behavior of local energy providers on the straight and narrow."

There is at least enough reason for the hearings to be called.

Larry -

Surely you haven't forgotten this is an election year. And let's just say again what these people are: p-o-l-i-t-i-c-i-a-n-s. With the squealing-pig media playing this as all evil & shit, what in the world would you expect? At this time in the election cycle, Pandering is Job One.

I have no trouble with their rate of return or margins - as Ben Stein says, Exxon is not some mafia-like cadre of fatcats smoking contraband Cuban cigars in the back seats of their chaufeur-driven Bentleys. Exxon is in truth mostly a bunch of pension funds whose thousands of beneficiaries can now feel a bit better about the prospects of a quality retirement. And Exxon-Mobil represents the disposition of about 3% of the world's oil production. Everyone needs to get real.
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